Lower back pain, causes, treatment

Hypodynamia and constant stress conditions often cause various diseases with the musculoskeletal system.

So, back pain very often worries even young people who, it would seem, have nothing to overwork with. What is the cause of the pain that occurs, and what diseases can be with these manifestations.

What can cause back pain

  • Osteochondrosis. One of the most common diseases that can occur at any age.
  • Spondylarthrosis is a lesion of the intervertebral joints.
  • Scoliosis, osteoporosis.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, tumor, infectious diseases that lead to damage to the spine.
  • Fracture and stroke.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and gynecological.
  • Urological and venereal.

As you can see, the range of diseases is very wide, so even with the slightest pain, contact a specialist to make the correct diagnosis.

lower back pain

If there is back pain in the lumbar region, the causes may be different.

For example, hard physical work, or vice versa, a sedentary lifestyle. A person may fall and think for a long time that the pain caused the fall.

To understand and make the right diagnosis, it is necessary to be examined and even pass various tests.

In women, the back hurts more often, not only because of the severity of the work, but because of childbirth, sharp bends, inflammation of the appendages. If there is back pain in women, the causes may be different, for example:

  • Clothes not for the weather when they wear too low jeans, short blouses and skirts. Kidneys and appendages are easy to catch a cold, but sometimes it is difficult to cure. The first sign of a cold in the kidneys or ovaries can be pain in the lower back.
  • The absence of a constant load on the spine and work in the country or washing a large number of things by hand can also provoke pain. In order for the spine to be flexible, it is necessary to do special stretching exercises, tilts, then it will be ready to withstand any stress.
  • Incorrect posture while working, knitting, hobbies, sitting at the computer for hours also make themselves felt. But this is already a banal osteochondrosis, if no other diseases are detected. If the lower back hurts what to do, the back itself will tell you. Try to change the position of the body, do exercises. The pain has gone, so you just need to move more and sit correctly.
  • There are pains not only during menstruation, but also during pregnancy, menopause.
back pain in a woman

Often problems arise in those who have done little sports and have weakened muscles. For pregnant women, wearing a bandage can be recommended, it will not only relieve pain, but also prevent stretch marks.

  • An ectopic pregnancy, rupture of a cyst, bending of the uterus, endometritis or birth trauma give very severe pain, which brings with it many more problems, so it is very important to be examined regularly by a gynecologist so as not to start the problem.
  • Intervertebral hernia is becoming one of the most dangerous problems that torment both men and women. However, not everyone knows about this diagnosis and they treat ordinary sciatica.

If there are pains with a hernia of the lumbar spine, then in no case should you self-medicate. This is quite dangerous, given that pinching of nerve endings and deterioration of the condition can occur.

lower back pain due to inflammation of the sciatic nerve

Where does a hernia of the spine come from and what can it lead to

When the intervertebral disc ruptures, a hernia bulges out, squeezing the nerve endings. There is a feeling of pain, swelling of this place and loss of sensitivity, which does not occur immediately. And, sometimes, the doctor begins to treat something completely wrong, due to an error in diagnosis.

How to distinguish a hernia of the spine

Based on symptoms and test results. Some features such as:

  • Weight lifting.
  • Bulbous pains on the outside of the leg.
  • Decreased or vice versa increased sensitivity.
  • Edema, cold limbs, muscle atrophy.
back pain in men

These are the characteristic symptoms of a spinal hernia, so if they are, you should tell your doctor about it.

When MRI and other examinations did not confirm the diagnosis, but the back hurts, what should I do?

The cause may be other diseases that are associated with pathologies of the internal organs.

For example:

  1. Appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis. Pain of a radiating nature.
  2. Diseases of the small intestine, adhesions after surgery.
  3. Kidney disease, infection.
  4. Myositis.

So why does the lower back hurt, and what types of pain are there?

  • Sharp pain.
  • Chronic.

With acute pain, the sensations are very strong, it is impossible to turn around, stand up, sit down. It can be a muscle strain, a compression fracture of the spine and displacement of the discs, and some other diseases.

A person takes a forced position, which alleviates his condition. It is necessary to transfer a patient, especially with fractures of the spine, on a shield.

In addition to muscle strain, all acute pains are treated only in a hospital.

lower back pain while sitting

If there is back pain, the causes can be different, both the onset of a dangerous disease and the exacerbation of old problems.

Chronic pain can be both with osteochondrosis and with other diseases, for example:

  • Deforming spondylosis.
  • Bechterew's disease.
  • Lumbago.
  • Chronic osteochondrosis, scoliosis.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Osteomyelitis.

These pains are constant, unlike others that are intermittent.

ultrasound diagnosis for back pain

Which specialists should be contacted for such problems:

  1. surgeon and orthopedist.
  2. Gynecologist and urologist.
  3. Infectionist and cardiologist.
  4. Gastroenterologist and neuropathologist.

But, unfortunately, patients often go to a local therapist who is trying to treat osteochondrosis. Such a diagnosis is becoming more and more popular with doctors, so many people realize too late that they need to contact other specialists, as well as undergo additional examinations, such as:

  • MRI.
  • X-ray.
  • Spondylography.
mri diagnostics for back pain

It seems like nonsense, the back hurts in the lumbar region, it will pass by itself, or after rubbing with ointment, using a patch, but in fact, serious violations of the internal organs are revealed that need to be treated for a long time.

Naturally, a person himself can make an approximate diagnosis for himself, without even visiting a doctor.

He fell on the ice, pulled his back or bent over the bed, could not straighten up. It is clear that there is no pathology of the internal organs, but it is better to go to the doctor. Perhaps the infection is dormant inside, manifesting itself as pain in the lower back, which the patient is not even aware of.

Doing an ultrasound or MRI is not that difficult. When the pain reminds of itself again and again, this will help to avoid such dangerous diseases as: pyelonephritis, adnexitis, pancreatitis, tumors and others. If the doctor does not prescribe a free examination, it can be done for a fee.

What helps with uncomplicated pain:

  • Painkillers.
  • Therapeutic warming patch.
  • Gels, ointments and creams.

However, you should not take pills and use ointments without the advice of a doctor or specialist. Moreover, there is no need to self-medicate, because it may turn out that taking such pills is generally meaningless, there is inflammation and antibiotics are needed.

In addition, uncontrolled intake of painkillers has a very strong effect on the liver.

But sometimes it is necessary to have an ointment or patch on hand. This will help relieve pain in myositis, chronic osteochondrosis or lumbago. However, finding out why the lower back hurts is still worth it. This will help to avoid mistakes and taking unnecessary medications, and, accordingly, unnecessary expenses.


Proper nutrition is very important, where you need to exclude salinity, smoked meats and fatty foods, because excess weight can also cause back pain. For those who constantly suffer from the spine and joints, doctors recommend eating jelly, aspic more often. They restore cartilage tissue, and help improve the condition of the body.

What to do if there is pain in the lower back with osteochondrosis

  1. Move more, sit properly.
  2. Take breaks in work if it is monotonous.
  3. Bend over more often, pick up things from the floor by bending your knees.
  4. Slightly draw in your stomach. The working muscles of the abdomen also hold the back.
  5. There are special exercises to maintain the muscles of the back and create a beautiful posture, do not forget to perform them.
  6. Visit masseurs at least once every six months.
massage for back pain

Don't forget that lower back pain can signal a lot, so be sure to get regular check-ups and visits to your doctor.